Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Fun Under a Wine Soaked Sun, Hermann Missouri

 Malazan Update: I have finished Reaper's Gale, loved it. Although I am not sure exactly everything that happened at the end, I almost wonder if my Kindle skipped a chapter or two? Either way, Toll of the Hounds has started off nicely and now I am almost done with the series, which will be bittersweet....

Also, just took a fun trip to Missouri Wine Country, here is a short write up on it.
Fun Under a Wine Soaked Sun, Hermann Missouri

1 comment:

  1. I like this series. It has its faults (which I'll get to in a minute), but the author has created a rich, deep world with a complex history and mythology, and he's populated it with a legion of characters, some of whom are genuinely likable. I keep reading because I'm definitely interested in what happens next.
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