I am really enjoying blogging and while my main blog is http://www.worstbeerblogever.com and focuses on beer, I am also a pretty big nerd and therefore read a lot and play board games whenever I can. So, I am going to try and operate both sites.
Since, I included books in the title, I have a quick suggestion if you are looking for something to read. I am currently on book 4 of the Malazan Book of the Fallen Series. This series is awesome, but compared to other sword and sorcery epics, extremely complex. In fact, it takes several books for one to even begin to understand what is going on. So if you are looking for a challenge with big literary rewards check out Steve Erikson's epic series. http://www.amazon.com/Gardens-Moon-Malazan-Book-Fallen/dp/0765348780
Here is a fairly recent post on some of my other current reading projects http://worstbeerblogever.com/2012/03/reading-material/
Ha! I finished the series a few months ago and I still don't feel like I know half of what was going on. I plan to re-read someday, but not soon. It took me a year to get through all 12 books.
ReplyDeleteAnd while I'm thinking about it, what would you suggest as a good beer for reading the Malazan novels?
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking something heavier, at least a porter, maybe a stout.
That is comforting...Have you read any of the stuff from the other authors? I need to ponder the beer question, but off the top of my head.... I have noticed wine seems to be far more common. For wine, I would consider a Greek or Italian wine which seems like a good fit for a Malazan drink, considering the significance of these wines to Ancient Rome (of course the wine available today probably holds little similarity other than geography to those drank thousands of years ago). As for beer I think a New Holland Dragons Milk would be good because of the name (it is a fairly common (compared to KBS, Bourbon County etc...) whiskey barrel aged imperial stout), strength and taste. I also think British beers would be an excellent choice considering the empire theme... One that comes to mind very quickly because of the name and taste is Burton Bridge Empire Pale Ale, it may not be terribly easy to find however.... Orkney Skull Splitter also comes to mind. Thanks for the idea though, you have just given me a project to blog about on my day off tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteOoo, I'd forgotten about Orkney Skull Splitter. Haven't tried that in ages.
ReplyDeleteI have read one of Steven Erikson's other books set in the Malazan world, though it's not directly tied into the Malazan Book of the Fallen series. It was his "Bauchelain and Korbal Broach" collection of novellas about those characters. It was quite different than the Book of the Fallen material. Funny in lots of places and a lot less wordy.
I've also read a couple of the Malazan-related books by Erikson's buddy Chris Esslemont. They were an interesting read. Sort of like Erikson-lite, if that can make sense. I don't think Esslemont is quite the writer Erikson is, but he's not bad. With more experience he might catch up to Erikson.